Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Starving Children of Africa

1. What are your thoughts and feelings about this video clip?

2. What do you think has led to their suffering?

3. What do you think could be done to help these children?

4. Do you feel a need to change something within you after you have watched the video?
If yes, what is that you wish to change within you?

5. Do you think there are children suffering in Singapore? What do they suffer from?

Write down your comments in a piece of paper and let's discuss this in class on 31 October.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Trip to Kampong Glam

Today, our school brought us to Kampong Glam to teach us about the Malay customs and beliefs. Facts not known to us were brought to light and I had fun, and it was fun knowing that I was actually looking at things mentioned our Social Studies textbook!
We were first taken to Alsagoff Arab School after a long bus ride. We learnt that the Muslims needed to put their holy book, the quran, on a special stand, and it was wrong to put it on any place one pleases. Reading it while walking is also not appropriate. After that, we were taken the back street, where we saw a traditional barber who cut people’s hair without the use of electronic appliances!
Later, we were taken through a street, where we saw conserved shop-houses, a rare sight in Singapore! We were then taken to the National Malay Heritage Centre, formerly used as the palace of Sultan Hussein, former ruler of Temasek(Singapore), where we met traditional Malay clothes sellers selling clothes with prices up to $600! We had our break there, and we were ready to devour our food, especially the Malay kueh which we were given to us as a treat from our tour guide. Yummy!
We then went to Sultan mosque, it was the first time I went into a mosque. We learnt that mosques were built with a curved ceiling so that the speaker’s voice could be projected to all worshippers. We learnt what an average Muslim has to upkeep in his faith.
Finally, were taken to a perfume shop where we bought some at a cheap rate-$1 a bottle. Then, we went on the bus as we said our goodbyes reluctantly to Kampong Glam.

Done by :

Cancellation of English Supplementary on Tuesday

Dear parents,

Please take note that English supplementary lesson on Tuesday has been cancelled as my workshop has been postposed to that day.

Supplementary lesson will be on on Wednesday.

Wednesday's schedule is as follows

4H- 8 am to 9 am
4G - 9 am to 10 am

Thank you for your understanding.

Warmest regards,

Mdm Beena