Friday, August 27, 2010

Jurassic Park - The Trailer

1.In your opinion, what do Science Fiction Novels/ movies offer the reader/viewer?
2. If you were given an opportunity to write a Sci-Fi novel, what would you write on?


  1. It offers us a strong imagination of making extinct animals come to life once again to live on earth. I would like to write on astronauts visiting the Sun if I were given an opportunity to write a Sci-Fi novel. I think it could be possible if strong materials are use to protect the eyes and astonauts do not give up during the journey to the Sun.

  2. 1. I think that Science Fiction Novels/movies offer the reader/viewer to know the answers of 'what ifs'. Example, what if plants rule the Earth?
    2.I would write about humans flying as many children wish that they would fly.

  3. 1. They offer the reader/viewer suspense, action and some knowledge.
    2. I would write a novel on "The World in 2012"

  4. In my opinion,Science Fiction Novel/movies told us about things that may or may not happen in ten or twenty years later.

    If I were given an opportunity to write a Sci-Fi novel,I would write on things like all the living things on earth would have a magic wand,they could use the magic wand to help them to buy things or they don't need to go to school,just use the magic wand to learn things from the teacher,they could see their teacher and listen to what they had said.No matter where they are,they can just study.And the Earth would become a Magic Earth.

  5. 1.It makes us think that we can revive the dinosaurs and study them.

    2.I would write novel about the space creatures that man would discover in the future as I think it will be awesome if we get to know other life on the other planet.

  6. Science Fiction Novels/ movies tells the reader/ viewer about what is going to happen in the future. If I am given an opportunity to write a Sci-Fi novel, I would write about cross-country Bullet trains services in Singapore in the future.

  7. 1.They offered us with unbelievable stories that arenot true.
    2.I would write on what would happen if thereare no human in this world.

  8. We should not play with the nature.Don't try to create living things that are extinct and take control of them ,we cannot take control of anything.Trying to be powerful or greedy will makethings worst.
    If i am given an oppotunity to write a Sci-fi novel, i would write about Dragons as i want to give vievers/readers an idea of what may happen the future.

  9. 1. I think it offers readers/viewers to experience 'if' and things that might not be in real live.(Eg. Jurassic Park)

    2.I would write a Sci-Fi novel on Indus Valley Civilisation. Especially the time when the people from Indus Valley went missing... I think many of people will be wondering what would have happened to them after they went missing. Maybe they can be creating a new world of their own.... Or they might even become new people of other races, joining their hands together and living harmoniously.....

    ~Ei Wathone~

  10. In my opinion,I feel that Sciencs Fiction movies offer us things that people think about.For example,what would happen if dinosaurs come alive?Jurassic park enables people to see what would happen if dinosaurs come alive again.If I had the opportunity to write a Sci-fi novel,I would write about mortals becoming immortals as I have always thought that becoming immortals are great.I am sure many people agree with me

  11. They tell us something that is not true(what if)

    I would write on aliens.

  12. 1.) In my opinion, science fiction novel offer the reader to imagine but not take it very serious like making it true in life.
    2.) If I am given an opportunity to write a Sci-Fi novel, I will write about we, humen could go to the heaven and hell without dying and can too come back to the real life.

  13. 1.In my opinion it is to threathend people.
    2.I would write about aliens invading earth

  14. Science fiction movies offer the viewer a
    picture of our imagination to if dinosaurs were still living on Earth.If I was given an opportunity to write a Science fiction novel,
    I would write on aliens as there are sightings of them.

  15. it makes the viewer`s imagination run wilder and people can think of more interesting things if i was given an opportunity to write a sci-fic novel i will write on computers running the world .Why? because computers are cleverer then us humans. it has millions or even zillions of things stored in it . wat will the future holds lets sit back and see.....

  16. offers them with excitement and also caught the attention of the readers.

    2.It would write on bring back life after death.As i like ghosts movies although my mother and father would not let me watch any.

  17. In my opinion,Science fiction novels/movies offer the reader/viewer thrills and exciment

    If i was given an opportunity to write a Sci-Fi novel, I would write about dead people coming back to life.

  18. I got a shock when the video said that the dinosaurs ruled the world. If I had a science fi novel, I would write on fishes. They are interesting bunch of species.
